Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 22 - BREAK FAST DAY!!!!

Baked the night away the previous night, and I have to confess that I tasted cake batters and cream cheese filling and whipped cream many times, but it was liquid-y enough that I didn't think I was doing something wrong. lol.

Learned something about fancy ovens the hard way - they have different settings that allow heat to be released in specific directions. for instance, you can bake a cake in 350F with heat only coming from the top, so the top will burn and the bottom will still be completely raw. Because of that I had to re-do the cake and ended up only sleeping 3 hours before heading out to Prayer Meeting. Prayer Meeting was GOOD. It was good because God's presence was there. I mean God's presence is everywhere, but you can actually FEEL God's presence and the Holy Spirit ministering to people there. Today's passage was Matt 18 and Pastor Sam talked aboutForgiveness using the parable of the unforgiving servant. I'm sure you have heard it many times like I did, but man, today it hit me HARD. The HS showed me so much unforgiveness in my heart that I haven't even noticed before, and seriously, who am I to hold these grudges when I owe God so much more that I could even repay? And then it blew my mind just realizing how much God has forgiven me of, all the sins I've committed, all the hurtful word
s coming out of my mouth, all the hypocrite deeds with wretched motives... all wiped away, white as snow... I know these sound like Christian lingos & blahs, but I guess this amazement can only be understood by grace through the Holy Spirit.

Honestly, I have been looking forward to this day pretty much every single day during the fast, but when I was at the prayer meeting today, I really didn't want it to end. I simply didn't want to leave. Dude, who needs food when God is so much better and more sustaining and comforting.. and I don't know, it just felt really good to be in God's presence.

If all these sound like crazy-talk to you, maybe you should consider fasting for a period of time and seeing what God does to you. I've pretty much gone crazy. CRAZY for GOD lol. Ok I'll stop acting weird. Right now I'm just really happy, really exhausted, but still really thankful.

By the way, to listen to sermons during morning prayer and sunday services, go to

Yesterday during Service Pastor Sam had warned us about the process of breaking fast and the need of self-discipline in doing so, horror stories about people not breaking fast right and also specific food we should and shouldn't eat the first few days. Here are 2 main points I got:
1. Breaking the fast requires the same, if not more the amount of self-discipline as you did during the fast.
2. Stop eating at the first warning sign

oh and he also said no cookies, pastries or cakes.

So after I finally got home, I broke fast for real with the following:

Bo Lo Bao as promised, pear and korean strawberries.

This is how much I ended up with when I decided to stop.

So that was 2 strawberries, 1/3 of a pear, and none of the bolobao.

I eventually ate some of the bao part of the BLB though.

But then after that I took a nap and went a korean street food place with Jason and Joseph. I ate ddukbokki. Like 6 pieces of them. And then I ate cake. Please pray for my digestive system.

So good. All these for HK$90.

I ate this cake. That I made for this dude.

To read more about the cake, go to
I am bringing YOUR FACE IS LIKE DIRT back to life.

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