Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm no longer a student....??!! And.. MICE!

I still can't fully grasp the meaning of a college graduate. I'm not a student anymore? So now when I fill out surveys, I have to put "jobless" instead of "student"? And I don't get student discount(legally) at harris teeter anymore? Oh, and now I have to leave Clemons by midnight, and I can't log on to UVA computers with my student id.... and I can't go into AFC whenever I want, although I never go that so often anyways.. 

I've been reading this book called Shattering the gods within by David Allen, a psychiatrist. It talked about how people has an innate tendency of making gods out of things - our friends, our passion, our career, our own image of "who God is", even the problems that we are facing - essential anything that takes over our heart and occupies the majority of our time, we have elevated to the position of "god". 

Yesterday,  I saw a mouse running across our kitchen which finally confirmed my suspicion of having a mouse in our house.  I freaked out.  Ever since that moment the only mission that has been on my mind was to kill/catch that mouse.  Ed set up traps for me (because I am too scared to do so).  When we came back 3 hours later, the peanut butter was gone but the trap was still untriggered.  Stupid smart mouse.  We reset the traps, but the next morning, the traps were still untouched and I found more droppings in my room. Gahhhh... 

This morning, I woke up thinking about mice.  I spent the whole day talking to people about what happened, taking advice on what I should do. I spend almost all my free time thinking about the mouse (possibly mice) and what to do with it.  I was too scared to stay where the problem is that I had to run away from home.  Essentially, I have elevated the mouse problem to be my "god".  I have stared so intensely at it that I couldn't even see the real God behind it. 

Isn't this what one would do when s/he meets God?  Being so overwhelmed that s/he cannot stop talking to others about what had happened.  Spending time thinking about what to do with this God that s/he has found.  Leaving home, the place where s/he once were, to take action to deal with this new God that s/he has come to know.  It would become the only concern of the person that nothing else would really matter.  Is this how we are treating our God? 

Shatter the image of pseudo gods in my heart.  Show me who You really are...